Salsa20 Usage & Deployment

Updated: April 13, 2024

Here's a list of protocols and software that implement Salsa20/XSalsa20, the superfast, super secure stream cipher from Dan Bernstein. XSalsa20 is Salsa20 with a larger (192-bit) nonce.

This page is organized by Protocols, Networks, Operating Systems, Hardware, Software, Cryptographic Functions, Libraries, Miscellaneous, Timeline notes, and Support coming soon.

You may also be interested in seeing this list of ChaCha deployment. ChaCha, typically implemented as ChaCha20, is a variant of Salsa20 from the same author.



Operating Systems



Cryptographic functions

NaCl Crypto Libraries

For cryptographic libraries in the NaCl family, including NaCl itself, TweetNaCl, uNaCl, and libsodium, as well as wrappers, bindings, and ports.



Timeline notes

Salsa20 support coming soon!

"Powered by Salsa20"